Amal ArujaWriting tests for Couchbase with Testcontainers on GolangThis a brief example of using Testcontainers with a vanilla Couchabse Community docker image to spin up a container on which database tests…Jul 11, 2021Jul 11, 2021
Amal ArujaBasic HTTP Routing Strategies with EnvoyThis is Part 2 of a multipart blog describing how to use Envoy as an “Inter DC Traffic Manager”. The previous part sets up the context and…May 22, 20211May 22, 20211
Amal ArujaEnvoy as an Inter DC Traffic Manager (Part 1) — Mocking multi DC traffic flow in a local K8s…Envoy is a very powerful and versatile service proxy. There is a plethora of use cases for it. Ranging from scenarios where you might want…Feb 27, 20211Feb 27, 20211
Amal ArujaRunning Apache Kafka Mirror Maker on KubernetesMirror Maker is one of the built in tools shipped with Kafka. It allows for easy replication of topics between Kafka clusters. We will be…May 26, 2020May 26, 2020