Envoy as an Inter DC Traffic Manager (Part 2)

Basic HTTP Routing Strategies with Envoy

Amal Aruja
9 min readMay 22, 2021

This is Part 2 of a multipart blog describing how to use Envoy as an “Inter DC Traffic Manager”. The previous part sets up the context and walks us through how to setup a mock environment to test several uses cases around managing traffic between multiple DCs (Data Centers). So if you haven’t already gone through Part 1, please try to skim through it and gain context before proceeding. Assuming that you have context from Part 1, let us proceed.


When it comes to HTTP traffic management, the main tool that Envoy provides is the HttpConnectionManager listener filter. Most traffic management use cases can be dealt with by using a list of Route configs nested within this filter. Each Route can be configured with combinations of the match config and any one of the route , redirect or direct_response configs to produce various conditional HTTP traffic routing strategies.

I will be continuing with the scenario from the previous part of the blog, where we are managing flow of incoming traffic between two separate clusters called dc-1 and dc-2.

In Part 1, we have seen how to split traffic between DCs based on the API path of the request. Now lets explore a few other strategies for traffic management with Envoy:

  1. Routing based on the upstream service
  2. Routing based on percentage split
  3. Routing based on regex matches on request properties
  4. Directly responding without forwarding the request
  5. Redirecting to another route


Assuming that you have a local Kubernetes cluster, kubectl and Envoy installed, you can simply run the following commands to get started.

Bootstrapping test environment in Kubernetes

The above command deploys a pair of REST and gRPC apps and a pair of Envoys as a fronting proxies. This setup process is already defined in detail in Part 1. Refer this for additional details.

Each strategy mentioned below has a corresponding envoy bootstrap configuration file added under the config directory in the blogs repository.

1. Routing based on the Upstream Service

Illustration of prefix based routing

When there is a need to route traffic to a different cluster just based on the upstream service to which the request is made, Envoy’s prefix route matching can be employed simply by specifying the common API prefix for that service. This can be used in simple scenarios such as when a service exists only in one cluster or when you want to start routing all traffic to a service after migrating/replicating it to another cluster.

Let us take a look at how a sample route config will be in this scenario.

Route config for prefix based routing

The above configuration will replace the routes config of our current envoy configuration. There will be no apparent change in Envoy’s behavior. This is because we had earlier defined only a single path/method in our dummy services. But in the real world scenario of having multiple paths/methods being supported by a single service, this config is more convenient as it avoids the need to have one entry per API path. It must be also noted that the order of the routes matter in the route config. The first match is considered and the rest of the routes are ignored. In a scenario where there are multiple services that share a common prefix, ensure that the service with the longest prefix is added first. For example, if a park management system that has both a /parking/and a /park/ API, the /parking/ prefix must be added first.

Bootstrapping Envoy with prefix based routing config

As seen below, Envoy now routes all requests with the /hello-rest-service/ prefix to dc-1 and requests with /HelloGrpcService/ to dc-2

Curl test of prefix based routing

2. Routing based on Percentage Split

Illustration of percentage split routing

In a scenario where there are multiple instances of the same service running on different clusters, you may choose to divide the traffic between all the different instances. Due to reasons such as difference in the capacity of each cluster, this division of traffic may need to be skewed. The weighted_clusters config of route allows us to configure all the traffic to a matched route to be distributed by weight to multiple upstream clusters. The route matching can be based on any of Envoys HTTP route matching criteria. Shown below is such a config which splits traffic between multiple instances of the hello-rest-service.

Route config for percentage split routing

By now it should be clear that the distribution is not exactly percentage based but rather weight based. The weights specified per cluster should add up to form the total_weight configured. The fraction of traffic going to a cluster is therefore the weight of that cluster divided by the total_weight. So rd of the traffic goes to dc-1 and rd of of the traffic goes to dc-2.

It may be easier to understand these fractions better if we use weights that add up to 100, which is, as a matter of fact, the default value of total_weight. Then the weights can be directly read as the percentage of traffic going to each cluster. 33:67 would be a good rounded off alternative to 1:2. This is of course merely a suggestion of a convention I personally find preferable.

There can be any number of weighted clusters, provided their weights add up exactly to the total_weight and the clusters specified by name are added to the clusters config. The runtime_key_prefix mentioned in the config is explained in detail here.

Bootstrapping Envoy with percentage split routing
Curl test of percentage split routing

Above is a sample response from one instance of testing. As you can see, after the first 3 requests, the responses immediately did not seem to be respecting the weights. But after repeating the requests 6 more times, we can see that the proportion of responses from dc-1 and dc-2 have converged towards the expected proportion set by their weights.

3. Routing based on regex matches on request properties

Another useful strategy supported by Envoy for routing traffic, is to choose an upstream server depending on a regex match on one of the incoming request properties, namely the headers, path and query parameters.

Let us consider a scenario where we want requests from all users with an even userID to be routed to dc-1 and the rest of the requests (from odd userIDs) to dc-2. Thus the traffic will be uniformly split between the two clusters. This might be particularly useful when the concerned service is stateful, and you must ensure that, subsequent requests from the same user, goes to the same server instance.

Illustration of routing based on regex match on a request header

The route config is based on the normal prefix based routing config, but we also have an additional config called headers to list down the set of request headers and their corresponding match criteria. Each item will be a HeaderMatcher config. The HeaderMatcher config supports a handful of match criteria, of which we will be choosing the safe_regex_match. The safe_regex_match is a production friendly regex matcher that pre-compiles the regex and sets a safe upper limit on its runtime program size using the max_program_size config. You can learn more about it here.

Route config for request header regex match based routing

The first and the second regexes used in the above config matches even and odd numbers respectively. The config expects the requests to have a header with the key user-id, which we assume will be populated with the corresponding user’s userID, by the downstream service making the requests.

Bootstrapping Envoy for request header regex match based routing

After bootstrapping the local Envoy instance with the envoy-regex.yaml config which has the above mentioned route config, we can see the expected results from the following curl requests. The -H flag is used in the curl command to add the user-id header to the requests. All requests with userIDs ending with an even digit are routed to dc-1 and the rest (ending with odd digits) to dc-2.

Curl test of request property regex match based routing

4. Directly responding without forwarding the request

In the previous scenario, if the downstream client forgets to add a user-id header to the request, Envoy would return a 404 status code as it cannot find a suitable route match. To solve this, if we tweak the Envoy config a bit and default such requests to one of the servers, it could probably result in a bad request response from the server due to lack of the expected header. To handle such cases, where we already know how the server will respond to a particular request OR to filter out unnecessary or bad traffic to the upstream servers, Envoy provides the direct_response config.

With direct_response we can configure an immediate response code and body, for all the available request match criteria. Here, this config is used to give an immediate 400 (Bad Request) response code and a string response body that says user-id header not found. when the user-id header is absent or nil.

Illustration of direct response strategy

In the route config below, we have similar route match items to the previous section. Additionally. there is a redundant match route that matches to /hello-rest-service/ prefix. This third route match will be hit only when the user-id is neither even nor odd, i.e when its value is empty or invalid. It has a direct-response with a 400 status code and an inline_string response body

Route config with direct response

Envoy can be run with the above route config added to the bootstrap config using the following command.

Bootstrapping Envoy with direct response config added

Executing a curl request with the -v flag would reveal that the request to /hello-rest-service/ without a user-id header is resulting in the expected 400 Bad Request response code and the user-id header not found response body.

Curl test response for direct response use case

Redirecting to another route

Envoy supports different types of redirects on matched routes. The RedirectAction config can be used to specify the type of redirect needed for a particular route match. Some of the redirects supported are host , port and path redirects.

Lets use the path redirection to redirect requests to /hello-rest-service/helo to /hello-rest-service/hello as our imaginary downstream clients are constantly making this typo in their requests.

Illustration of route path redirection

The route config is very straightforward. We add a separate route match for the new /helo path and then set its path_redirect to the original /hello path.

Route config for path redirection

Since we are using a redirect, Envoy will respond with a 301 status code first to indicate that the path we are requesting for, has been Moved Permanently. If the downstream client chooses to follow the redirect, it will finally receive the expected response from the /hello path.

Lets run Envoy with the following command and test the redirection.

Bootstrapping Envoy with path redirection config

Below is the response in verbose after executing the curl request with the -L (location) flag so that it follows any redirects. It clearly shows the redirection and the expected response from the redirected route.

Curl test response for redirection use case

Other Routing Strategies

There are still a lot more HTTP routing options available in Envoy, allowing request matches based on a combination of criteria, and then selecting various kinds of routes, to forward those requests to. As already mentioned at the start of this blog, the majority of these options are configured using the Route config. However, there are also some strategies that require manipulation of the upstream Cluster Configuration as well.

I hope that this blog is found useful for those who are trying to explore Envoy’s capabilities in traffic management. In the next part of the blog, I will cover an advanced routing strategy with practical applications, and the ways of implementing it using Envoy. I will add a link here once the next part is published. Thanks for reading!



Amal Aruja
Amal Aruja

Written by Amal Aruja

Senior Consultant | Trekking & Cycling enthusiast

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